Pesto appetizers


For the base that is to replace the bread: 
- 1 eggplant, peeled and diced 
- 1 cup cauliflower 
- 1-2 mushrooms
- 1 teaspoon ground flaxseeds 
- 1 pinch of cumin 
- 1 pinch of sea salt 
- 1 pinch of turmeric 
- 1 pinch of green pepper 
- 1 tsp lemon juice 
Blend all these ingredients or mix in a food processor until you obtain a smooth thick dough that you will spread on a baking paper sheet and dry in the dehydrator during the night, or in an adjustable temperature electric oven at107, 6 °F (42 ° C). 
Once this base is ready, cut into small squares or rectangles and spread on the pesto or the spread of your choice.  Garnish with tomato or bell pepper dices, dill and cucumber, coconut or finely grated carrots, a half of an olive or serve as it is.